Monday, December 20, 2010

Noteworthy Studio's Christmas at Garvan Woodland Gardens

        I have the privilege of going to Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, AR to see the Christmas lights display. It was beautiful! Here are just a few of the photos I shot. I hope you enjoy them!
The Blue Bridge

One Swan-a-Swimming

Dancing flowers and butterflies

One Drummer Drumming

The Gingerbread man

Hummingbird sipping nectar

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography at Christmas!

Can you believe it? Christmas is right around the corner. Have you thought about Christmas cards? I would love to provide you with some lovely photo cards. It is such a wonderful gift to send a photo card to friends you haven't seen in a long time or to family who lives far away. It's a great way to stay in touch, bring to mind pleasant memories and, as gifts go, it is relatively inexpensive! me to get your photos done SOON!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Traveling for the Holidays

     As I traveled for the holidays, the camera went along for the ride. I took a very few photos of the family,then I got a NEW CELL PHONE! Well, my attention was turned to setting it up and trying to learn how to take a decent photo with the phone's camera!
     Upon trying to photograph myself, my head always looked POINTY!! I varied the angle several times, but my head was still pointy and flat on one side!!! If anyone out there has had this experience and overcome it, please let me in on the secret.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography Updates

I have added a new page to my blog and will likely add more in the future. This page is entitled Fall Foliage and is just a few photos taken this fall in Arkansas and Missouri. I will add to this page and create new ones as time allows.

If you want to have a family photo made for your Christmas cards, give me a call!  879-308-2599

Friday, November 19, 2010

Catching up!

Well, some of you may be wondering what has happened to me. I haven't posted anything in a few weeks! That's not like me. I have just been very busy. I have started working at the Bartholomew Baptist Association office part-time, as a ministry assistant. One of the things I have done is to create a blog for our association of churches! Bro. David, our Association Missionary, needed a way to keep everyone informed about activities in our area, mission needs and opportunities and of course, keep us informed about meeting times and locations. He wasn't quite ready to tackle a full-scale website, so I thought a blog would be just the thing. I have added pages with photos (my photos, of course!) of mission activites in which our association has participated.

So...go to the Association's blog and check it out. You'll need to poke around a bit to see the photos.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Follow Noteworthy Studio on Facebook!

Click the Facebook link to see new photos from Noteworthy Studio, including a waterfall and a hot air balloon!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Harvest Festival Photos

Fall Harvest Festival Fun

Today I enjoyed shooting photos at our church's Fall Harvest Festival. This was an outdoor event which included catching apples that were hanging from a tree, balancing pumpkins on the kids heads walking on stilts, a hayride, a bonfire and LOTS of food! We all had a GREAT time and I will be loading the photos on the computer in just a few minutes! Hope to have a few of them posted soon!

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Few Travel Pics from Noteworthy Studio Photography

Here are just a few recent pics...             
                                                                ...a cabin in the woods...

         ...fall ornamental vegetables from Mercier Orchard in Georgia...

            ... and white water flowing over the river rocks in                                                     southern Tennessee.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wedding Photography -ups and downs

     I had the priviledge of photographing a wedding on Saturday. I always get excited about weddings! This one was,for me, a bit of a learning experience. I was hired at the last minute, actually, the night before the wedding. The two grandmothers were originally planning to take the photos! They got there and realized that this idea was not a good one and I was hired to shoot the wedding.
     So, you may ask, why didn't they hire someone to begin with? Well, as with many weddings, they were trying to save money!   Knowing this, I offered my least expensive package which is just one hour of photography...just the basics. What I learned is that this didn't work! Everyone was asking me to take photos of this and that and their family, etc...etc... Then there was the lady who "used to be a photographer's assistant." She was telling the bride what photos she just HAD to have! Well, I'm not good at telling people "NO". So, I worked for FOUR hours and got paid for ONE. Lesson learned. I'm just chalking it up to experience. I can use the photos for my portfolio and will hopefully get more sales than what was included in the package.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography in Monticello, AR has uploaded photos for sale!

I spent a couple of hours today just adding more photos to my site. I have added photos of Pilot Mountain, in North Carolina, the Blue Bridge over the Ohio River in Cincinnatti, and some photos of sunset over Lake Monticello, right here at home in Arkansas!  All these photos are for sale on the website.

Candid photos from the County Fair

Just thought I'd post a few photos from this year's County Fair. Our church had a children's booth which included free games and prizes, balloons and cute tattoos! Attendance was pretty low this year and photo ops were slim.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Photos, Photos, Photos! What to do with them all!

Well, yesterday and today I have been working on cleaning up my office/bedroom. I've had stuff all over that bed for a couple of months now and the piles of stuff have been growing. My desk had gotten  to the point that I had to take my laptop to the living room to work! BUT NO MORE1 As I write this blog, I am sitting at an almost-clean desk and all the photos, magazines and other stuff I wanted, and needed, to keep are neatly organized. Most of it is on the ironing board. That's fine until tomorrow morning when I need to iron something to wear to church. Then I'm going to have to find another place for it!!! Well, I have an idea as to where it can go, but it will mean doing some dusting. So I guess I'd better get up from here and get it done. Tomorrow is on the way!

Here's to a CLEAN office!! Yeah!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography in Monticello, AR is updating the Blog

I have updated a few things on my blog today. I now have a REAL link to the new Noteworthy Studio site at so anyone can purchase my work. Also, I recently changed the look of the blog site and today I made a slight change in my profile. A friend pointed out to me that my profile mentioned my son, but not my daughter! I hadn't realized it. So...I made a change. Now they are BOTH included.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography's new site!

I have begun working on a website where I can sell my photos! This will mostly be travel photos and photos you might use to decorate your home. Also available on this site will be photos on canvas and photos that are matted, framed and ready to hang. I will also use one of the galleries as a private viewing gallery for those clients who would like to pay by credit or paypal. This is such a BLESSING!

It's still a work in progress. Uploading photos takes a long time and the quick uploader didn't work! :(
So... Give the site a look by clicking on the link. Bookmark it. Then, come back to it from time to time. You might find just the thing you were looking for!

Noteworthy Studio Photography


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography is Taking Baby Photos

This week I got to do a photo shoot of a 7 month old baby girl. Her mom had several cute little outfits picked out for the shoot.
Now, we did the shoot at 8:00 in the morning, but the child was ready for her NAP! I don't know what time they wake up, but must have been REALLY early! I got some good shots, but not many of them had smiles. SO...I am going back for more photos next week, AFTER the nap!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just a Few Photos from Noteworthy Studio Photography

The Pond, A Praying Mantis , and a Windmill!

A Busy Bee Hive and Lovely Flora

These photos were taken at the Delta Rivers Nature Center in Pine Bluff, AR!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography in Monticello, AR trying Night Photography

Toni ght, as we were on our way home from a visit, I noticed the moon hanging big and low in the evening sky. It was Beautiful! Of course I thought, "Gotta get a picture!" So as soon as we were in the house I rounded up the camera and tripod and headed to the spot where I had spotted Mr. Moon. He, however, had moved! SO, I went searching for him. As I entered the back yard, I found him peeking through the trees! The best view seemed to be from the porch of the storage building, right next to the wall! That was rather inconvenient, but I made it work! I set my camera to it's longest focal length and then played with the exposure a bit. I wish my camera had a longer zoom, but for a first try Ididn't do too bad!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monticello Photographer travels to Kansas, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, Louisiana, Texas and HUNGARY!

As the summer comes to a close and my traveling ends, I find myself reflecting on all the places I have had the privilege of visiting this summer. First I traveled to Lawrence, KS, to work with Native Americans at Indian Nations University. I photographed children and families, as well as our mission team at work. Next, our family took a jaunt around the middle and southeastern part of the US. We visited Atlanta, GA; Mayberry, NC; Cincinatti, OH; Louisville, KY; and Evansville, IN. I photographed bridges, rivers at sunset, flowers, Andy Griffith's home and squad car and Louisville Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby! Upon returning home and resting for a whole 5 days, I boarded the plane for Hungary. There, I led an English camp. I photographed children, many teenagers, dogs, flowers, teachers, and about a zillion statues! And I can't forget the breathtaking view of the Danube river and the city of Budapest taken from the Freedom Statue, at the top of the hill.

I am very proud of those photos! I will be entering some of my photos from these travels in the County Fair. I am also hoping to sell some of my photos, as well.

As for now, I'll be sticking a little closer to home.

Thank you , Lord, for allowing me the privilege of seeing other parts of Your world and for getting to know people I would never have met otherwise!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photographer in Monticello, AR sending photos to Hungary

The last day or two I have been trying to email photos to my English students in Hungary. This is a very SLOW process. It takes a while to upload them to the email, then a while for the email to send. Then, while I'm emailing more photos, the mailer-demon (I know I spelled it wrong!) sends me notices that the email is permanently invalid. So, I have spent 30 minutes or an hour sending photos that will not get there! I'm just a bit frustrated about that.

On the other hand, I have had one or two that worked beautifully and the students were excited to get their photos, so all is not so bad.
Hoping to get some more business appointments soon!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Keeping Promises

So, today I have been going thru my photos from the mission trip to Hungary. I took SO MANY photos of people and I told many of them that I would send them the photos. Now, I am trying to keep this promise!
I sorted through over 500 of them today. The rest will have to wait until Wednesday. I am really quite proud of how well some of them turned out. But then there are others that just didn't make the grade. Well, I'm growing and learning. I hope I always will be!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photo contest anyone?

Today I have uploaded some more photos to the Capture Arkansas photo contest. Still hoping that maybe, just maybe one of my photos might make it in! If you haven't voted, go to, sign up or sign in, go to people and on the bottom right, type in my name. The photos I have submitted will come up and you can vote by clicking on the "Dig it" button at the top of the page. Now, GO VOTE, please. :")
One more thing... I was able to list my business on the Job Board! Yeah!!! Free Advertising!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Getting Published!

Well...this week I have been researching ways to get my photos published. I am considering putting some photos on the stock photography websites. I have entered some recent photos into the Capture Arkansas Photo Contest. If you haven't been there yet, please go to and vote for my photos! (You can vote for other folks' photos, too, if you like 'em!) One other unexpected blessing this week has been that the Arkansas News magazine is doing an article about our mission trip to Hungary and they asked for several of my photos! This could be my first opportunity to be a published photographer! Yeah!

Above is my favorite photo which I entered in the Capture Arkansas contest.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Last Saturday evening my husband and I had an opportunity to take an evening dinner cruise on the Arkansas Queen. This was a first for us and, of course, I took my camera. When we finally embarked, about 10 minutes late, nobody wanted to go out on the deck because it was too hot. We were all hungry. So we visited, mostly, until the meal was served. I did go out for one or two quick photos of the capital building. It appeared to be at the end of the Arkansas River! After the meal, however, the sun was beginning to set and I got a few really nice photos during the twighlight hour! Trying to get a clear picture in low light and when you are on a moving boat is quite a challenge! I guess I didn't do too bad for a first try.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jet-lag and the Photographer

I had an absolutely WONDERFUL time in Hungary! It was ridiculously hot and there was little to no air conditioning, but I took over 1200 photos! I haven't even seen all of them yet. I have had a bit of a difficult time getting over the jet-lag. I have been doing all the things that are recommended to help get your body back on your own time zone - eating regular meals, no naps, regular bedtime, etc... but I still don't feel quite myself.
Here are just a couple of photos from my trip!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Travel photography in Hungary

This week I am in Hungary. I am leading an English Camp in Nagykanizsa, which is in the southern part of the country. I has been very hot here and several time my lens has fogged up. Very FRUSTRATING! I am enjoying the ornate buildings, the statues and the beauty of the people. I am looking forward to going to Budapest on Friday. I know there are a million things to photograph there.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Photography and Self-Discovery

Well, I learned today that it's really hard to get a clear photo of a fish (or a SHARK) when it's moving right toward you! I have also learned, from touring the art museum, that I really like people better than landscapes and flowers and such. I like pictures that seem to tell a story. This is good self-discovery that I will try to apply to my future photography! I did, however, enjoy the abstract, as well. This may have a connection to my love of architecture in photography.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Photographing City Lights at Night

This evening we drove to downtown Cincinnati, OH. It was still daylight when we arrived. I took photos of the Purple People Bridge, a statue of the man for whom the city was named, and several other random photos. Then we went to a Bar-B-Q restaurant on the Ohio River. It was beautiful and the food was excellent! As we sat there, dining, the sun began to set. I took a few twilight photos through the restaurant window. (not ideal, I know.)When we had finished eating and walked outside, the lights were absolutely beautiful as they reflected on the water.

It was at this point that I truly regretted not bringing my tripod! I try to pack light. But my "light" is "ridiculous" to the rest of my family. So, I left the tripod.
"I won't want to lug it around," I told myself. Now I am kicking myself in the tail. Blurry photos are NOT pretty!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Album Posted

Today we went to Mt. Airy, N.C. which is the hometown of Andy Griffith. This is the town we all know as Mayberry! We saw Floyd's Barber Shop, the Sheriff's office and the jail, and Wally's Service Station! It was a wonderful step back into time.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Photography book bargains!

Today we are in Winston-Salem, N.C. My daughter and son-in-law took us to this little resale store. They only carry/buy/sell books, CD's and DVD's. It was WONDERFUL! I got three photography books that were downright new for about $30.00. I would have paid that much for only one of these books at Barnes and Noble or Books a Million. I am definitely looking forward to soaking these up as soon as possible.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Travel photos

Well, I hope everyone liked the photos I posted. If you want to see more of them, go to my Facebook page by clicking on my badge. Uploading photos to this blog is really slow. I found out you have to do them one at a time!!!

Well, I'm off again tomorrow. This time we are going on vacation, or "on holiday" as the europeans would put it. I'm hoping to find new treasures to photograph! I'll keep you posted as often as possible!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Photography while on a Mission Trip to Kansas

Here are a few pics I took while on a mission trip to Haskell Indian Nations University and Indian Avenue Baptist Church in Lawrence, Kansas.