Saturday, March 26, 2011

Stock Photography

My latest adventure in photography involves submitting photos to a stock photography site. This has been another learning experience.  I recently read an article written by a man that makes quite a bit of money selling photos this way. He said that he often submits 20 or 30 photos and only a few of these are accepted. He also said in the article that, in time, you learn what the company is looking for and begin to get more and more of your work accepted.  So, I finally took the plunge, not realizing how much time it would take! Each photo has to have at least 10 descriptive key words. Sometimes that is a real challenge! It's also a challenge to find a photo that they don't already have. I submitted four photos the first time. They were all rejected and I was a bit dismayed, but I tried again. This time, I submitted 10 photos! ONE, count 'em, ONE was accepted! Hey! That means there's hope!! I have since spent some time looking at the photos they have available already. Maybe that will help me in selecting photos for future submission. No matter what....I LOVE taking photos!