Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just a Few Photos from Noteworthy Studio Photography

The Pond, A Praying Mantis , and a Windmill!

A Busy Bee Hive and Lovely Flora

These photos were taken at the Delta Rivers Nature Center in Pine Bluff, AR!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Noteworthy Studio Photography in Monticello, AR trying Night Photography

Toni ght, as we were on our way home from a visit, I noticed the moon hanging big and low in the evening sky. It was Beautiful! Of course I thought, "Gotta get a picture!" So as soon as we were in the house I rounded up the camera and tripod and headed to the spot where I had spotted Mr. Moon. He, however, had moved! SO, I went searching for him. As I entered the back yard, I found him peeking through the trees! The best view seemed to be from the porch of the storage building, right next to the wall! That was rather inconvenient, but I made it work! I set my camera to it's longest focal length and then played with the exposure a bit. I wish my camera had a longer zoom, but for a first try Ididn't do too bad!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monticello Photographer travels to Kansas, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, Louisiana, Texas and HUNGARY!

As the summer comes to a close and my traveling ends, I find myself reflecting on all the places I have had the privilege of visiting this summer. First I traveled to Lawrence, KS, to work with Native Americans at Indian Nations University. I photographed children and families, as well as our mission team at work. Next, our family took a jaunt around the middle and southeastern part of the US. We visited Atlanta, GA; Mayberry, NC; Cincinatti, OH; Louisville, KY; and Evansville, IN. I photographed bridges, rivers at sunset, flowers, Andy Griffith's home and squad car and Louisville Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby! Upon returning home and resting for a whole 5 days, I boarded the plane for Hungary. There, I led an English camp. I photographed children, many teenagers, dogs, flowers, teachers, and about a zillion statues! And I can't forget the breathtaking view of the Danube river and the city of Budapest taken from the Freedom Statue, at the top of the hill.

I am very proud of those photos! I will be entering some of my photos from these travels in the County Fair. I am also hoping to sell some of my photos, as well.

As for now, I'll be sticking a little closer to home.

Thank you , Lord, for allowing me the privilege of seeing other parts of Your world and for getting to know people I would never have met otherwise!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photographer in Monticello, AR sending photos to Hungary

The last day or two I have been trying to email photos to my English students in Hungary. This is a very SLOW process. It takes a while to upload them to the email, then a while for the email to send. Then, while I'm emailing more photos, the mailer-demon (I know I spelled it wrong!) sends me notices that the email is permanently invalid. So, I have spent 30 minutes or an hour sending photos that will not get there! I'm just a bit frustrated about that.

On the other hand, I have had one or two that worked beautifully and the students were excited to get their photos, so all is not so bad.
Hoping to get some more business appointments soon!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Keeping Promises

So, today I have been going thru my photos from the mission trip to Hungary. I took SO MANY photos of people and I told many of them that I would send them the photos. Now, I am trying to keep this promise!
I sorted through over 500 of them today. The rest will have to wait until Wednesday. I am really quite proud of how well some of them turned out. But then there are others that just didn't make the grade. Well, I'm growing and learning. I hope I always will be!