Friday, December 30, 2011

Well I see that it's been quite a long while since I posted to this blog! I must admit that it hasn't been top priority lately.BUT, I'm actually at HOME during the Christmas holiday (that NEVER happens!) so I'm trying to update everything.

So, you may wonder what I've been up to. There are many answers to this question. I have spent much time working as
the ministry assistant for the Bartholomew Baptist Association. It is a part-time job that I LOVE! I have also been the Interim Minister of Music at church since August. This has also taken a lot of my time, especially as we approached the Christmas season. Preparing a Hanging of the Green play with music and an adult musical was quite time-consuming but a lot of fun. The Lord just continues to challenge my creativity. He says, "Here's something that needs to be created. YOU create it!"  He never fails to give me the knowledge and skills needed for a project and sometimes it just amazes me. Now, on top of those two jobs, I taught a Secondary Vocal Methods class for UAM last semester. That was a new and fun experience! I was honored to be asked to teach the class and am hopeful that I will get to do it again in the future. That's three jobs. Now let's add in music lessons two afternoons per week and doing my photography every chance I get. That has been my life for the last several months!

So what's in store for the future? Even though I haven't had a lot of paying photography jobs lately, I did do a wedding and a banquet, as well as many church-related photo shoots, and I have had several photos published in the Arkansas Baptist News;  two of them were on the cover. I also won a state-wide photo contest! So, I have been encouraged to continue my photography business in the hopes that it will survive, even in this poor economy. My list of jobs is shrinking this semester so, hopefully, I will have more time to promote my business and find new avenues to sell my work.

SO, now you are all caught up!

May you have a New Year full of blessings from our Heavenly Father and may you give Him your whole life -
heart, mind, body and soul! (and just as important - your TIME.)